


Subject Players Started Status Champion(s)
Baseball Hall of Fame 31 August 14, 2015 Completed BarkerC
Dave 26 July 4, 2015 Completed MarcotteM


Subject Started Score Percentile Rank (of Total) Author
Anagrammed Hall of Famers January 29, 2016 303 99 1 of (59) LeeD2
The Cy Young Award November 19, 2015 429 98 1 of (30) Consigliari
2016 Presidential Candidates November 20, 2015 206 39 39 of (64) PolinskyL
Identify the baseball Hall of Famer by his given names November 20, 2015 371 93 3 of (49) PolinskyL
Blue Jays, Cubs, Mets, and Royals October 18, 2015 377 95 2 of (55) BruceM
Baseball 300 Club October 16, 2015 378 88 7 of (52) SussmanM
Approximate Answers (Experimental) September 18, 2015 397 96 2 of (34) RalliP
Just Images: Craft Beer Labels September 16, 2015 456 98 1 of (26) KaneMH
Sports Rivalries September 14, 2015 480 96 2 of (41) helitzur
September 10, 2001 September 11, 2015 425 98 2 of (70) BurgerM
Mystery Theme! September 12, 2015 317 87 4 of (38) FrankensteinP
Majority or Minority - The General Knowledge Edition September 10, 2015 267 66 26 of (74) LuskT
Same-Sex Marriage September 10, 2015 356 82 10 of (52) CunninghamJ
Guest List September 8, 2015 349 69 15 of (47) ShapiroA
Music of the 70s and 80s September 4, 2015 361 79 15 of (70) VaccaD
Mystery Theme '72 September 2, 2015 383 98 1 of (66) FrankensteinP
The Seattle Pilots September 1, 2015 437 97 1 of (36) BurgerM
The Detroit Tigers August 29, 2015 374 87 4 of (27) BurgerM
Home Runs August 30, 2015 364 93 4 of (52) Egantx7
Brain Teasers, a.k.a. The RTFQ Quiz August 24, 2015 137 25 77 of (103) LuskT
The Vatican Film List August 25, 2015 404 70 17 of (55) RobinJRichards
Sports Families August 25, 2015 501 95 2 of (30) FlaxmanR
Coffee August 23, 2015 346 81 11 of (54) FlaxmanR
Just Images: Counties August 22, 2015 310 75 12 of (46) RalliP
Rock & Roll Death August 23, 2015 298 57 13 of (29) PenningtonJ
Unusual Musical TV Appearances August 23, 2015 332 87 6 of (41) PenningtonJ
Famous Pop Culture Craigs August 22, 2015 308 72 13 of (44) BarkerC
Also in The Godfather August 22, 2015 398 92 3 of (31) SheahanJ
Pro Football Hall of Fame: Ends August 20, 2015 278 63 11 of (28) BarkerC
The Baltimore Orioles August 17, 2015 286 86 4 of (25) Howard
Chicago White Sox August 17, 2015 349 88 4 of (28) Egantx7
Actors with Non-Acting Oscars August 16, 2015 267 67 24 of (74) FlaxmanR
Stay Tuned for (BLANK), followed by (BLANK) August 14, 2015 406 97 2 of (48) HightB
Yet Another Mystery Theme August 15, 2015 375 78 7 of (29) CrocettoR
Another Mystery Quiz August 12, 2015 289 83 16 of (91) shesinsane
Montréal Expos August 14, 2015 381 84 6 of (34) thorsleyd
Oakland Athletics August 12, 2015 321 72 11 of (38) BruceM
Mystery Theme #5 August 11, 2015 352 86 12 of (82) PolinskyL
BuscemiS August 11, 2015 320 68 12 of (37) SorensonG
Toronto Blue Jays August 9, 2015 344 81 8 of (39) Falkor23
They are who we thought they were August 9, 2015 375 92 5 of (53) Egantx7
Cleveland Indians August 10, 2015 345 99 1 of (44) ConnorA
San Diego Padres August 8, 2015 428 98 1 of (31) PolinskyL
(Also) a major sports team August 6, 2015 0 8 91 of (107) FrankensteinP
Ballparks August 4, 2015 244 49 38 of (75) Egantx7
1940 in Review August 2, 2015 327 90 6 of (57) BarkerC
Common Knowledge July 31, 2015 57 37 57 of (91) BurgerM
Pork, Cooked Two Ways July 28, 2015 297 76 22 of (88) FrankensteinP
Baseball July 27, 2015 516 98 1 of (27) BittenbenderS
Mystery Theme #2 July 21, 2015 330 80 13 of (61) PolinskyL