Name the film. This spoof musical created by Jon and Al Kaplan made its off Broadway debut in 2005, winning the Best Musical Award for the New York International Fringe Festival, and getting named to Time Magazine's "10 Best stage shows of 2011" when it returned to Off-Broadway. The song "Thish Ish it" pokes fun at one character's West Virginia accent. Identify the film which was the basis for this musical, which also includes a song entitled "My Daughter Is Catherine" sung by Senator Martin. (edited at 12:09 pm, March 26, 2017 (PDT))
Original question: Name the film. This spoof musical created by Jon and Al Kaplan made its off Broadway debut in 2005, winning the Best Musical Award for the New York International Fringe Festival, and getting named to Time Magazine's "10 Best stage shows of 2011" when it returned to Off-Broadway. The song "Thish Ish it" pokes fun at one character's West Virginia accent. Identify the film which was the basis for this musical, which also includes a song entitled "My Daughter Is Catherine" sung by Senator Martin.
The Silence of the Lambs (Silence! The Musical)