Twelve Days Of Christmas by kanyewesteros

Question 12

"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, we're finally on our own, this summer I hear the drumming, ___ _____ ___ ____" Answer *all* of: 1) What are the missing four words? 2) Who wrote the song? 3) To what event does the song refer?

1) Four Dead In Ohio; 2) Neil Young (performed by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young - both answers are correct); 3) The shooting of 4 Kent State students by the Ohio National Guard in 1970 (edited at 9:31 am, November 22, 2016 (EST))

Original Answer: 1) Four Dead In Ohio; 2) Neil Young; 3) The shooting of 4 Kent State students by the Ohio National Guard in 1970
